Jane Kenyon is a dynamic entrepreneur involved in several businesses and working as a coach specifically with entrepreneurs and speakers.

She is recognised by her peers as an inspiring individual who has the ability and talent to expect nothing less than outstanding and although she has experienced hardships in both her personal and business life, she never quits.



I am a serial entrepreneur, speaker, coach and founder of The Well Heeled Divas Ltd.

After a successful corporate career in marketing and brand management I walked away from a Director level job at 28 to pursue my entrepreneurial ambitions and have been having a wild time ever since!

In the past 16 years I have been involved in 9 businesses all focused in the business to business sector including consultancy, training, lifestyle management, IT, PR and networking. I have made money and lost it all twice, got myself embroiled in a few partnership deals I should never have touched and experienced some major highs selling businesses and acquiring others. But I have never lost my passion for business. In 2007 I founded the Well Heeled Divas, an organisation focused on female empowerment with a pretty big vision - to inspire 1 million women to step up to entrepreneurship, leadership and wealth contribution, who in turn, will inspire 1 million young girls to raise their aspirations, believe in themselves and shine.

Alongside my role in the Divas and a speaking career I run an intensive 12 month coaching programme for a discreet number of women who are serious about harnessing their passion and building a business that is sustainable beyond them. Places on this programme are restricted to 6 women only and the waiting list for 2010 is now open.

The programme includes 12, face to face 3 hour sessions with me over the year, unlimited email support, wealth profiling to establish your entrepreneurial flow and fastest route to wealth, access to my black book of contacts and power network and the opportunity to work with the other dynamic women on the programme. It combines coaching, consultancy, peer group development and self assessment and places are always hotly contested!

If you are interested in joining this unique and amazing group of women in 2010 just email for more information and a chat.
For more information on Jane and The Well Heeled Divas click on

  1. Do spend 80% of your time doing what you love and what you are good at and delegate the rest.
  2. Do think big. It takes just as much time and effort to build a big business as it does a small one. It is often easier to get £1million investment that a £5k overdraft so think leverage, leverage, leverage!
  3. Do take time out to find your passion. A business without a champion at the helm will flat line fast. If you are not enthusiastic about what you are doing no-one else will be.
  4. Do invest time and effort in developing a strong network. To build a business you need good people around you. True wealth is what's left when the money is gone so time connecting is time well spent.
  5. Do reframe your fears around failure. Failure is simply the market and customers telling you whatever you are doing is NOT working. It is simply feedback and NOT personal. Get over it, listen and learn.

  1. Don't strive for perfection. It does not exist and leads to unnecessary procrastination. Get going and get better.
  2. Don't enter into a business partnership or agreement without a contract. It saves a lot of pain and tears later!
  3. Don't under price your offer. This is the downfall of many start up and small businesses. Customers equate price to quality and you can always reduce the price if you get it wrong, but it is much more problematic to increase prices once you have set your price and defined your market position.
  4. Don't try to be all things to all men. Be clear about your niche and value. Success is about what you say NO to.
  5. Don't over obsess about your business plan. Stay flexible and be ready to adapt to the ever changing needs of your customers and the market.

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