here for YOU
Purple is the historic colour of democracy and the colour used by suffragettes in their campaign for the vote.

At the3rdi we have a total commitment to delivering our clients and stakeholders the highest quality product and services.

This is no false promise; we strive to produce a content-driven journal that adds value in as many ways as possible to our readers.

We are an ethically-driven team of professionals, Managing Editor Karen Birch, with the united goal of passing on our knowledge, experience and, hopefully, wisdom to our readers so that they may benefit from this information and make their own business and private lives as rewarding as possible.
  • We are NOT a business forum that is targetted by random advertisers.
  • We are NOT here to funnel traffic to other suppliers sites.
  • We are NOT here to collect and sell personal data.
  • We are NOT a business networking site that simply acts as a marketplace for sole traders.

We stand by our values and are proud to display them to all of our business partners


We will write and review articles across a broad range of business and lifestyle issues drawing on the experience of senior professional and executive collaborators from all walks of commerce, industry, finance, health, coaching and the arts.

Our intention is to provide you with inspirational content for you to consider and assess. We accept that not all of our articles will be totally relevant or appropriate to everyone but if 1 article inspires 1 reader to improve their life and that of others then we are genuinely happy that we have succeeded. We do, of coruse, aim much higher than 1 !!

We have no issues whatsoever in stating that we are primarily a journal for women - women ARE more intuitive. We value this intuition and hope to encourage more women to take advantage of this "sixth-sense". Women are generally more open communicators, are not driven solely by ego and they value collaboration. We wish to develop this - and who is better equipped than the business women of the UK ?!

Our aim is to challenge the norm, to encourage our readers to think and act. Intelligence is too readily associated with tests and measurement; typical in a male-oriented business world but we feel that intelligence is far wider reaching. Business intelligence, market intelligence, social intelligence, relationship intelligence, communication intelligence, emotional intelligence are not the sole domain of the male ego.

We are not tied to suppliers, agencies, products or corporations. We are free-thinkers. We have nothing to sell and nothing to hide. Our independence gives us the freedom to think and act freely. Our aim is that our readers will be inspired to do the same. We hope to create our own culture and to help you to create yours.