Maire-Claire is a passionate transformational coach and inspirational speaker. She has spent most of her working life coaching others to achieve their dreams.

Each month she will bring you tips and tactics on how to live your passion, enjoy loving relationships, feel fulfilled, happy and healthy and to enjoy the life of your dreams.

Five years ago I was working as Sales Director for a software company. I earned a large salary, lived in a penthouse and drove a Mercedes convertible....... but something was missing.

I’d spent my whole life chasing a dream only to feel that I'd missed a turning along the way. I realised that having lots of money and possessions was fantastic but that there was more to feeling fulfilled and truly happy.

Today I own my own destiny. I have found an inner peace and an outer radiance. I love what I do and I am passionate about helping others find their peace and passions in life. Over the last few years I have helped lots of people find better health, new directions and loving relationships. In essence their lives have become enriched and they have felt more fulfilled.

Over the last few years I have helped lots of people find better health, new directions and loving relationships. In essence their lives have become enriched and they have felt more fulfilled.

My tool kitbag includes a lifetime’s experience of coaching individuals to achieve their full potential. I was trained by the Xerox Corporation and am a certified NLP Practitioner and an Accredited Transformational Coach. I also employ the ancient art of Feng Shui as I believe that our homes can be an outer reflection of our inner selves. In fact it was working in an unhealthy office that finally led me to become a fully accredited Feng Shui consultant with the Feng Shui Society.

As well as coaching individuals to get more from their lives, I recently launched Miracle Club as a way to provide affordable coaching within local communities. Miracle Club offers the positive effects of life coaching with the social connection of a regular group.

I am very much a people person and I love to put people in touch with each other. This has led me to facilitating workshops and corporate events on behalf of other experts in the Personal Development field. These events can range from subjects as diverse as kinesiology and drumming, to speaking with confidence and even learning magic! It is the variety of subjects that keeps me interested and passionate about what I do.

To find out more about what I can offer go to
To find out about The Miracle Club go to

  1. Always expect the best from people
  2. Define your dreams
  3. Take action
  4. Sing, play, dance and dont forget to laugh
  5. Remember life is just a game

  1. Dont sweat the small stuff
  2. Don't take things personally
  3. Don't expect others to do something that you wouldnt do
  4. Dont forget to leave time for loved ones
  5. If in doubt, dont talk, listen