Shira Bassi, a mother of 2, originally trained as a Chartered Accountant, with an MBA from Nottingham University and over 25 years experience as a chartered accountant and management consultant with Pricewaterhousecoopers.

In late 2007, she felt compelled to make major changes in her life and subsequently decided to leave the corporate world for a journey of charitable giving, spirituality and self-discovery
After extensive travelling in India, Tibet and Nepal, pursuing her dream to set up a charity working with under privileged children, Shira Bassi was drawn into the spirit that is India.

During her travels, Shira met a wide range of people including eminent businessman Captain Ravi from Pegasus, Bollywood celebrity Shilpa Shetty and famous gurus like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

After returning to London in February 2009, Shira wrote her book 'Living from the Heart' in just two weeks of intense writing. The book is a self help book which contains the findings she discovered whilst travelling. Shira believes that self love is the first step towards healing - without this in place, all other efforts are just sticking plasters that don't last.

She says: "From a spiritual place of connection to the force of universal love, the expression of self-love took shape through this workbook. At that point of my life, the feelings I experienced were completeness, contentment and exhilaration for no apparent reason a state of blissful self-love. This was a new way of being for me."

"This workbook is the expression of that self-love experience as it occurred in that moment. Although the flow is not there always, the original script is maintained as much as possible to prove that you can achieve whatever you desire. Fight for life; never give up."

" I am an ordinary woman from London who had an experience of self-love and felt compelled to share this with others. I am not a spiritual guru or academic scholar, and this is my first attempt at writing in this way."

Living From The Heart

"Love is a phenomenon that is not used for ourselves. I want to enable others to access to the experience of self-love and, thus, the supreme unifying connection to those around us. Only when we meet ourselves from a self-loving place are we well-equipped to meet others from the place of love and to offer an opportunity to move from being stuck, blocked, frustrated, anxious and all other negative emotions, which stop us from living our lives to the best of our ability, and realizing our life’s dreams as an expression of love."

"The chapters of the book represent the seasons of life - autumn as a time of fear, winter as uncertainty, spring as change or transformation, and summer as the life experienced through self-love. People are encouraged to identify the current season of their life and to read through that particular chapter first; then follow on to the next. "

"This workbook contains many varied themes of life in each of its chapters and there is no specific order in which it should be read. You may start in the middle, end or beginning; it depends on where you are in your life. You may not know what season you are in. In that case, take some time to reflect on how you feel in terms of the seasons in nature, and be honest with yourself in deciding which season feels relevant to your life. Ask other people to advise what they think is the season for you."

Shira has also set up The Global Sea (Spirited Entrepreneurs Association). Its purpose is to draw from leadership qualities of the self, presence, awareness and intuition.

What does this mean?

"It is model of leadership based on answers from within oneself to strategies, decision making and executing. This style of leadership and business management offers a unified approach to how organisations are run, so there is a win/win mentality for all, rather than just the few at the top."

The book is available from Amazon and also as an audiobook.

More information about shira is at

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